Saturday 22 December 2012

Last Blog for 2012

This will be my last blog for the year.  2012 has been a good year for completing things.  The first and most important thing to have completed was my Master of Education, Teacher Librarianship, a course I started in July, 2011.  I can’t believe has taken me 18 months to complete.

It was tough at the time, but in retrospect, I learned so much and am happy to say achieved my ultimate goal of a change of career into Teacher Librarianship.  At my recent graduation ceremony at Charles Sturt University at Wagga Wagga campus, I was proud to say that I had secured a new position in my newly chosen field as a TL at Brighton Grammar School.

The challenges await me at this school will be many, but some I anticipate are coping with full-time work in a library, dealing with boys only after working in co-educational settings for over ten years, and all the new information I will need to acquire as I come to understand the workings of a new educational environment.

I have started to read books that I believe young adult boys would be reading, and to understand the new National curriculum and its assessment system.  In my new role as a TL in a senior boys’ school library, I hope that I will use all the knowledge and skills I have acquired over the last eighteen months, as I learn many, many more and keep up to date with new technologies and methodologies in a stimulating educational atmosphere.

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