Saturday 10 September 2011

Creating a Pathfinder

One of the tasks we have been asked to do for ETL 501 is to create a Pathfinder for a unit of work for a specific class.  The first challenge was to find a curriculum-related topic that was interesting.  For my previous assignment, I chose a literature based topic from my daughter's English class, so this time, I decided to find a unit of work from my son's year level.  As he was about to choose electives, I selected a Unit on Ancient Greek Civilization in which I was interested.
Having chosen my topic, I met with my ETL401/501 "study buddy" who showed me how to create a pathfinder wiki using based on advice from Herring's text book.  However, I found this very puzzling and couldn't handle the technology at all as it was all new to me.  After crying and profaning, I sought an alternative route into pathfinders by going into "google" and asking "How to create a pathfinder".  Mr. Google quickly led me to a template for pathfinders, which I found fairly easy to navigate around and its headings and organisation even made sense.  I started to enter information, but felt frustrated at not being able to master the creation of a wiki when my study buddy made it look so easy.
Several times I returned to my wikispace page, but each time left it having failed to achieve much.
My plan was to create the pathfinder on the template, save it into a word document and then trnsfer the information onto the wiki page once all my resources had been worked out.

At this stage, I had spent hours and hours and the task was becoming huge and completely overwhelming.  I was convinced that I was working unintelligently and inefficiently to say the least.

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